Mental Skills Series

Sport Psychology Workshops

For: athletes, students, coaches, & parents to develop a winning mindset

Each workshop teaches a framework to fast track results on that topic

Next workshop: CREATING CONFIDENCE: Competitors Go From Doubt to Dominance

Live Zoom Training WEDNESDAY May 29, 2024

7:30pm CST

mental skills series ticket


Fear getting yelled at by their coach?

Super hard on themselves?

Practice not transferring to competition?

Worried about disappointing you or their coach?

Easily discouraged watching other's progress?

Competing cautiously & holding back?


You just need to get out of your head


Why won't they listen to my advice


I wish I knew how to help them


Tired of hearing "I can't phrases"


Why do they fear messing up so much


Why aren't life skills taught in school


Mental Training is the most effective way to perform your best!

I created this series of workshops because I saw a gap in the industry. There are individual sport psychology sessions that many can't afford, can't schedule during office hours, or can't commit the time to attend enough sessions to make an impact. Then there are 12 week long programs that only open once a year, or team trainings that you hope your organization books for you to take advantage of.

So, I created the Mental Skills Series, where I'll bring you workshops throughout the year focused on foundational mental strength topics every athlete, parent, & coach wishes they knew sooner! I'll teach you how to develop the right mindset & give you a step-by-step plan to stand out from competition.

Get proven strategies to perform calmer, confident, & more consistently!

Master self doubt, even if you think:

  • I don't have time to do anything else

  • I'm terrible at following through

  • I've tried something like this before

  • I'm burned out & skeptical


Ashley Eckermann, MS MPM

Sport Psychology Practitioner & Certified Mental Performance Coach

I promise to teach you strategies to thrive under pressure & the best brain hacks to master your mental game!

The Truth is...

Most people think they just need to practice more, BUT...

once you discover the latest hacks, learn how to plan for adversity, figure out how to reset & compartmentalize the distractions, YOU CAN increase your odds to reach your goals!

In this training, we coach athletes, parents, students, & coaches how to be mentally prepared by using scientifically proven strategies!

Every concept can be applied at any level of competition. We’ve had people go through our programs from all different sports & ages.You have the ability to rewire your brain to feel more RELAXED & we can't wait to show you how!

Athletes spend so much time training physically & learning technique, but are rarely taught what to do when they're going for something big & scary that they haven't achieved before.

They become so STRESSED & FRUSTRATED with everything that's expected of them, they shut down... often we don't realize the "shut down" is because they didn't learn proper coping skills & THAT can be SOLVED!

mistakes we see athletes make often:

  • Schedule more private lessons hoping this will "fix it"

  • Think just doing a routine will work

  • Believe something is wrong with them for hiring an expert

  • Assume mental training is hard or it's too late for them

  • Decide sport psych is just positive affirmations

  • Not giving any attention to the mental prep of their sport

  • Start working harder, but not on right material

  • Say their sport isn't fun anymore (but really it's fear of not being good enough)

ready to compete to your potential without the frustration?

"My teenager said today's training was mind blowing and you taught some voo-doo magic thing that really works." Thank you for getting him to listen"

Misti W. -soccer mom

"My daughter's coach yesterday said you were a miracle worker."

Jenny A. -gymnast mom

"Our coaches actually thanked me for providing the workshops for our staff. Ashley taught me things I didn’t know I needed to know as a gym owner.” A. B. -volleyball

Every Workshop topic builds resiliency . . .

Examples of what we'll teach:

  • Train your brain to avoid distractions

  • Tools to find your strengths

  • Find out how to not be a victim of your environment

  • Gain the scientific way to change your expectations of pressure

  • Learn emotional intelligence skills for life not just sports

  • Discover your competitive edge & how to advocate for yourself

  • Build your mental strength toolkit to respond to tough situations

what you get in these workshops . . .

Mental Skills Series

  • 60 minutes of jam packed training

  • Recording to review in your own portal forever

  • Workbook with tools, templates, & transcripts

  • Learn strategies we teach our Professionals & Olympians

  • Personalized attention with Q&A if you attend live

If your athlete experiences any of these: performance anxiety, second guessing, hesitating, overly compares, can't let mistakes go, freezes in tough moments, or overtries but comes up short... he/she can benefit from mental performance coaching!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the format?

Live virtual Zoom training - watch from your home. I know that being on camera can be intimidating, so you don't have to turn your camera on. You can click the link & listen. Although it’s online, the workshop has action steps that are very hands on. I teach with high energy to keep you interested & go over proven tools to implement, not just theories.

What will I learn that I can't just 'Google'?

You could absolutely google free content & confuse the heck out of yourself by trying to piecemeal 100 peoples’ advice. It’ll result in 87 tabs open on your computer, & a plan that you're crossing your fingers hoping it helps. This training is more than traditional advice, I will teach the newest research in creating new habits, how to be more assertive, motivation to keep it up, & how to avoid giving up easily.

What's your experience?

Ashley has been coaching athletes since 2003. She's been practicing sport psychology since 2010. She has her masters in sport psychology & is also a certified mental performance coach. She's an experienced practitioner working with youth through professionals. She also competed at a high level, dealt with injuries, & conducted presentations across the country for various organizations. Ashley was a head coach & a teacher for over a decade before she went into private practice full time, so something she takes great pride in is connecting with people. She believes in giving examples & bringing energy to the party. Her philosophy: just because you know the material doesn't mean you can help others understand it; she believes she has built a successful practice at Maximize the Mind because of how she delivers material & builds rapport with athletes.

What if I can't make it at that time?

No worries. We’ll record the training & send you an email as soon as it's uploaded. It typically gets uploaded within an hour of the live training. So you'll most likely be able to watch it the same evening, just depends on formatting, but it will definitely be ready the following day. You'll have access to watch in your portal as many times as you want when it's convenient for you. You don't lose access since it doesn't expire. This is better than an individual session, since you can review over & over!

Is this personalized & do we get access to ask you questions?

Honestly, I believe this is the best way to learn sport psychology tools & mental performance hacks. Mental skills training is the most effective way to improve as an athlete & reach your goals. I often don't have time in 1:1 sessions to go over all these proactive strategies, because so many come to me in crisis. In this workshop, you can learn the "no fluff" strategies you'll need to set yourself up for the best year. Nothing is specific to sport or age. These are just the best methods to apply so that your practice transfers to competition. How well you perform is directly related to how you mentally prepare. Most people have never taken the time to learn the research & just don't have the knowledge of what to do to not let emotions take over. We believe in teaching proven scientific concepts & found that so many of our athletes need the same tools because they work! I will answer questions in the Q&A box on Zoom that pertain to understanding a tool when I'm done teaching everything. I will also be emailing everyone that signs up for the workshop. You may reply to the email with your questions so that I can personalize it for attendees. If you have a specific question, you may reply to the email & I will answer it at the end of the training. As long as I receive an emailed question BEFORE the live workshop, I will address it live, & if you can't make it live, you can catch the replay to hear my responses to emailed questions.

What if my athlete isn't open to the training?

Athletes need to know nothing is wrong with them for working with a mental performance coach or taking a workshop on mental preparation. We get athletes "don't want help" sometimes, but we always hear athletes want to be more mentally tough & here is how you get there! We encourage parents to share this with their children before a training: We help athletes improve performance, make it more fun to compete, stress less & have the advantage over competition by learning to be more assertive. When you learn how to stop overthinking, learn how to reset, understand how to overcome obstacles, have more energy for your performance rather than worry, gain tools to focus, & discover how to manage emotions with this mental skills series, you become the unstoppable version you deserve to be. Think of me like a brain coach helping athletes develop mental toughness. It's like seeing a physical therapist, nutritionist, hitting coach, or SAT prep coach - I'm an expert on the mental part of competing & my job is help you be less frustrated. Ask your student or athlete if they'd like gain an edge, perform more consistently & worry less? Ask them if they'd like to feel more relaxed & recover faster? We teach research based scientific tools they can apply to perform better; this isn't woo woo mediation hour. Usually this helps ease the idea of taking a workshop/course/talking with someone.

What does 'Mental Skills Series' really mean?

The Mental Skills Series was my idea to teach different valuable topics throughout the year that I know competitors need to have an edge. My schedule was full with 1:1 sessions, so this was a way to continue to help athletes by offering one workshops on different topics. Athletes spend so much time training physically & learning technique, but are rarely taught how to respond to difficult situations, set goals, learn self control or how to handle nerves. Your sport should be fun & you shouldn't feel tense all the time or want to quit because of your stress. The average competitor quits when it gets tough because they never learned “how to be better, how to cope, how to advocate for themselves, how be more assertive, or how to recover when it doesn't go their way” The difference between the average individual & the one who becomes a starter or moves to the next level is grit, motivation, energy, & courageall of which are gained in mental skills training. Can you afford not to spend time on the mental side?

What will other workshops include?

Mental Skills Series is a series of workshops on mental preparation. We're offering several workshops throughout the year. You purchase them individually. Topics will include: Creating Confidence. Time Management & Self Discipline. Comparisons & Focus. Test Anxiety. Fear of Failure & Perfection. Boundaries & Advocating for Yourself. Motivation & Leadership. Not Taking Stuff So Personally & Having More Energy. Mental Blocks & Overcoming Obstacles. Managing Stress.

You're not born with confidence. It's a learned skill. You can actually become the competitor you envy. Mental game is something you develop. Mentally tough athletes are the ones implementing strategies to compete longer. They shrug off mistakes faster & regain composure, they know how to compartmentalize stress, their perfectionism helps them strive for more not become paralyzed with fear of not being good enough & they celebrate progress! Imagine what it will feel like to discover the secrets of performing well. There are so many coping strategies that can be learned, & these tactics help athletes have a stronger mental game & get rid of emotionally exhaustive competing. We invite you to become the best version of yourself & one of the ways to do that now is through the Mental Skills Series workshops.

Who is this for? (ages, athlete, coaches, & parents explained)

The workshop examples will be geared towards student athletes who are dealing with the pressures of competing & have a demanding schedule balancing school, practice, conditioning, & attempting to get to the next level. I believe the material is easy to follow for ages 12 & up. However, I use these same strategies for setting my performance goals for my business, the triathlons I compete in, & getting daily tasks complete, so it's certainly not just beneficial for athletes. I wish I had this research back when I was in school, so I think anyone can find techniques that they can use to help them have a productive year. If you're a coach wanting to help your athletes "reset" & not "internalize it all" so they compete stronger, or create a team culture to be all in as a team, then you could benefit a ton too. If you're a parent who wants to know how to help their kid "relax" & "not get so upset" when they don't meet their expectations, then this is up your alley too! It's 1 hour of a topic in sport psychology - there isn't participation required & cameras don't have to be on for participants, this is presentation style so all ages can consume!

Will this be enough to solve my poor habits?

The workshop is designed to educate quickly & give you tangible tips that you would actually apply in real life. This isn't a deep dive into what's been holding you back in the past, but if you signed up for the entire series, worked with my team 1:1 or took our other programs, you'd definitely get that. I'll give easy to digest concepts & strategies to apply immediately. This is a great opportunity to build a foundation, but I can only cover so much in 1 hour. There are plenty of sport specific things we teach & personal questions we ask in 1:1 sessions that allow us to help athletes with coaching conflicts, parent pressure, team dynamics, recruiting stress, etc. that we won't be going into. Is it enough for you - really depends on what you have going on. A lot of people will learn enough to see a difference in their performance, then some may want to start 1:1 work afterwards or get into a group coaching program & get feedback that applies to them. We always get feedback after our workshops saying how much they learned in a short amount of time.

What if I already see you or another coach for 1:1 sessions, do I need this?

Mental Skills Series of workshops includes strategies we typically don't have time to teach. I'm so excited about this series of workshops because it's a huge piece of the puzzle of competing better. I'm willing to bet the majority of the content will be BRAND NEW to most. There might be some concepts you've heard before if you have been with us a long time, but depending on how many sessions you've had, or how long it's been since you've been in, you'll most likely learn something new. It may also be a good way to hold yourself accountable to mentally prep for an upcoming tryout or new season. We often say we'll look over our notes on our own, but do we? If scheduling a 1:1 session is hard for you or out of your budget, this is an awesome way to learn, & honestly even if you hear info you've already heard, you're more likely to apply it with repetition. This workshop could also be good for a sibling that's never had a chance to work 1:1 with us & multiple people can watch it together.

Mental Skills Series - Workshops that build mental strength


1 hour live training $195

Access to ask Questions $195

workbook with Tools & Templates $25

Portal (workshops to rewatch never expire) $75

Total Value = $490

This workshop today = $47

*Purchase one workshop at a time. We put on several workshops during the year & each one is on a different topic around mental preparation, emotional intelligence, & life skills needed to perform your best!

Some Of Our Topics:

-Goal Setting

-Time Management & Self Discipline

-Comparisons & Focus

-Creating Confidence

-Test Anxiety

-Fear of Failure & Perfection

-Performance Anxiety & Nerves

-Motivation & Leadership

-Not Taking Stuff So Personally & Having More Energy

-Mental Blocks & Overcoming Obstacles

-Stress Management


1 HOUR live training $195

Access to ask questions $195

Workbook with Tools & notes $25

Portal to rewatch never expires $75

Total Value = $490

This Workshop = $47

*Purchase one workshop at a time. We put on several workshops during the year & each one is on a different topic around mental preparation, emotional intelligence, & life skills needed to perform your best!

Some of the topics:

-Goal Setting

-Time Management & Discipline

-Comparisons & Focus

-Test Anxiety

-Fear of Failure

-Motivation & Leadership

-Mental Blocks & Overcoming Obstacles

-Stress Management

“I can’t recommend Ashley and the whole team enough. Their knowledge and expertise is invaluable. The tips and tricks are a game changer. Super helpful and more importantly practical. Thank you.”

Gemma H. -triathlete

“I signed my son up for these trainings, and I ended up watching it with him and got some tips for work that I've used over the last few days and I'm genuinely not as anxious or tense as I typically am. Well done!"

H. M. -baseball mom

“We couldn’t be happier with Ashley’s coaching style, methods, and upbeat personality. Ashley is super high-energy and a great motivator!”

A. C. -cheer mom

Not sure if this workshop is for you?

Workshop Guarantee

Attend one of our workshops in our Mental Skills Series & if it doesn’t exceed your expectations & teach you strategies to develop a stronger mindset, just email us & share your experience at [email protected] & we’ll happily issue you a refund.